Period Yoga for Self-care
Image: Jodie Hill taking a moment of stillness at The Eagle’s Nest, Yoga Retreat in Guatemala.
One of my students asked me if I knew any yoga postures for period pain and I was shocked to discover that I didn’t. Despite always gravitating towards restorative yin yoga during my period, I had never actually considered yoga for period pain as a concept. I was grateful for the question because it sent me on a research quest and I can now confidently recommend yoga for period pain (woohoo).
Period pain is caused by contraction of the uterine muscles, so it makes sense that yoga can help as yoga helps relax our muscles. It can also relieve pressure on the lower back which many of us experience at this time in our cycle. Our body is telling us that we need more rest during this phase of the cycle, but we can opt for nourishing rest over screen time. You know your own body best, so I encourage you to listen to it and do what feels good above all else. With that said, here are some of my favourite yoga postures for period pain relief. I recommend holding each posture for around 5-8 mins, taking deep soothing breaths through the nose as you soften any areas of tension in the body and melt into the sensations. Pssst… all of them can be done from the comfort of your own bed.
Top 5 Yoga Postures for Period Pain Relief:
Hold each of the below asanas for 2-5 mins with deep breath through the nose.
Balasana (Child’s pose): This asana will lengthen your back and release tension in the area as well as provide heat to your lower abdomen. Some soft groans and moans in this pose may feel nice to release any tension. You can do this on a soft surface or cushion to protect your knees. Bonus point: place a hot water bottle between your lower abdomen and your thighs.
Baddha Konasana (Seated Butterfly pose): The butterfly targets opening up of the pelvic floor and hips which are closely linked to the uterus. Breathe deeply through the nose to soften in the posture and relax those muscles. You can also lean forward and rest your torso on a bolster or some pillows for deeper relaxation.
Paschimottanasana (Seated forward fold): We may feel a discomfort in the lower back when menstruating. A gentle forward fold is great for gently lengthening the lower back, giving you a nice stretch. Bend your knees so that your belly is touching your thighs. This takes the focus into the lower back and out of the hamstrings, whilst putting less strain on the abdomen. Gently fold forwards as you exhale and continue deep nostril breathing.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge): I always find that propping my legs up while lying down with my heels close to my sit bones helps to alleviate cramps. It makes sense then, that a supported bridge works really nicely for relieving discomfort. From bridge, slide a yoga block or cushion under your lower back for support. Relax here for 5-8mins and then gently lift your hips to remove the block.
Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined butterfly pose): This one is also great with a block or cushion supporting the lower back. It will open your hips and inner thighs as we did before, with the added relaxation of lying down and softening the back muscles. You can also place a cushion or bolster under each knee for extra support and relaxation. Bonus point: add a hot water bottle to the lower back to add some soothing heat.
Some cute self-care extras for an even more lovely practice:
Sound bath meditation: Playing some sound bath meditation music on youtube or spotify in the background can help to reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality. Emerging research also suggests that sound therapy may lower stress hormones, improve mood, and reduce pain. A sound bath may cause shifts in brainwave activity, slowing brainwaves from normal consciousness to relaxed or even a meditative state. Why not try it out?
Aromatherapy: Make your period yoga experience even lovelier with a nice bit of at home aromatherapy. Clinical research has shown that certain essential oils can have various benefits for the body including pain alleviation, especially gynaecological pain. Some oils to try are rose oil, lavender oil and eucalyptus oil. These oils are said to have anti-inflammatory benefits and a pain alleviation effect in the joints and muscles. You can inhale the fragrance or apply a diluted essential oil solution to your skin with a compress, spray, or massage. Please consult your doctor for medical advice and contra-indications.
Oxytocin boost: Oxytocin is thought of as nature’s pain reliever. Anything which increases oxytocin is great for reducing period pain. Physical touch is one of the best ways to increase oxytocin levels in your body. This could be anything from a hug or cuddle with a partner or friend or going for a massage. Petting an animal, being generous or eating dark chocolate also make us feel good and promote the benefits of oxytocin!
Bath time: Enjoy a warm bath after your gentle self-care yoga session, do some nice skin care and get an early night’s sleep. Periods are such a great excuse to unwind, slow down and take care of yourself. Enjoy!
Get cosy in bed with some pillows and a hot water bottle on hand. If you are feeling extra fancy, get your sound bath music on and essential oils diluted. Begin moving through the 5 postures (asanas) breathing deeply and holding each for 5-8 mins. After you feel satisfied with your practice, maybe going for a bath sounds nice, eating some dark chocolate, finding a loved one or pet to cuddle, or treating yourself to a massage. I hope that after showing all of this kindness to yourself, you are feeling total bliss and ready to sleep like a baby all night long!